The Raw Primal diet is a diet created by Aajonus Vonderplanitz in which the majority of your diet is raw meat, raw dairy and raw eggs.
Cooked Food
Aajonus believes cooked foods are one of the main causes of disease in modern society. He thinks uncooked foods in their most natural state are what is healthiest for humans.
When food is cooked it can damage the enzymes, making it harder to digest. The minerals can become damaged as well. When you consume pasteurized dairy the calcium is less assimilable by your body and when it is heated to 141°, 50% of the calcium will be destroyed.
Raw Dairy (Milk, Butter, Cream, & Cheese)
Raw Beef, Chicken, Pork & More
Raw Unheated Honey
Raw Vegetable Juice
Fruits: watermelon, pineapple, papaya, etc
Fats & Oils: Coconut, olive oil, nuts
Vegetables: Small amounts of vegetables like onions, & bland fruits like cucumber, tomato.
Grains & Starches: Starches aren’t necessarily recommended because they are cooked and form toxic byproducts, such as acrylamides which can cause cancer and aging. Although, they are able to bind with excess neurological hormones to make you relax.
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