

ADHD - You Need To Exercise


[2008][Aajonus]Somebody who has ADD, you need to fucking exercise. Anxiety is exercise. You're producing so many hormones for physical activity, you need to exercise.


Arnold Schwarzenegger Is Sagging

[Attendee] Mr. University, and what he looks like now, right? 


Athletes Low Body Fat


[Attendee #2]What does cholesterol do for the bod again?


Athletes Worry Circles Never Go - Fat With Protein


So, you just have to consider that you have to make plans for you to exercise every day.


Breathing Exercises - Oxygen

That's about what they say, but some people can only inhale to the count of 3, and exhale to the count of 3. I can inhale it for a count of 90 seconds, and exhale for 90 seconds. If I practice, I can do one inhalation, and one exhalation in five minutes. 


Cream For Athletes

[2006][Aajonus]Some athletes have problems digesting the cream near a sport time, so that can bog them down, also make them sleepy. So, it's hard to camouflage it without the extra cream in it, cream and honey. It's a good thing to utilize, but sometimes it causes sleepiness, so you have to, you have to be careful.


Drinking Whey

Not really. You have to be careful with that too. It's very acidic, whey is very acidic. Whey is when you separate the curds from the liquid, it looks kind of like a chartreuse color, kind of greenish yellow. That's whey, that's the liquid.


Eggs For Energy After Workout

[Aajonus]No, you need the eggs alone. And then maybe 20 minutes later, have some honey and butter.  


Exercise, Anxiety


That's great. You do any exercise you need. You have a tendency toward anxiety, anybody who has a tendency toward anxiety needs to exercise.


Exercising and Stretching - Lymph baths

On this diet, when you're eating raw meats and raw fats, I don't do anything. I mean, literally I'm on the computer and I just hold this. Once every February I'll come and trim some trees, about two tons of trees and drag those around and haul it, but that's the only heavy work I ever do, and I retain the muscles. On this diet you retain muscle very easily.


Flexibility and Hot Water Bottle

[Aajonus]No, cause then you're taking care of your whole body, your body's gonna use your nutrients on your whole body.  


Getting Athletes To Eat Raw

[Attendee #2]For a teenager, if they're not willing to, how do you fool them?  


Old Athletes Don't Look Well From Poor Diet

[Aajonus]Your runners and your bicyclers believe they have to be really lean. So, they have no fat and got no lubrication, and their bodies are drying out inside, sort of becoming cirrhotic, multiple sclerosis. 


Professional Athletes, Ritalin


[Aajonus]It will. I've. Patients who had 14 activity rings in their irises, that's the most I've ever seen. That means 14 hours of activity a day, 8 to 10 hours of exercise. Those are professional athletes, professional carpenters, ditch diggers, people who work hard labor every day, because that's their main product.


Should You Exercise

[Aajonus]It's all individual. If you create a lot of hormones for physical activity, you need to exercise, you need to be active. 


Should You Exercise (2)

[Attendee]6.[Aajonus]You had 6. So, you're supposed to be busy six hours a day. So, you could be exercising two hours a day if you want plus your regular activity.


Soreness From Exercise

That's the way it comes. The one you buy from James, it's fermented coconut oil. The only thing he has is coconut oil that's fermented.  


Water For Athletes and Exercise

[Aajonus]For most people that are exercising heavily, perspiring a lot, unless you've been on the diet, then you don't need to do that. But when you're young on the diet, water is helpful.


Weightlifting - Lactic Acid

How much whey would you recommend and is that before or after the workout?



Are they better than just normal exercise, you know, running around and playing sports or something like that?


Yoga and Longevity - Pineal Gland

They all had ill health. So, they can't even talk about longevity because these people lived in meditation. They lived in all kinds of transcendental states and they didn't improve their lives, they may have improved their lives, but they certainly didn't live without disease and they didn't live longer than anybody else.


You Can Exercise Too Much

No, you can exercise too much because you can spend all of your energy on exercise, then your body's not gonna heal and detoxify.


You Can Have More Fruit When You Exercise


[Aajonus]Yeah. It's okay to do that. When you exercise, he's asking if it's okay to have more fruits when you exercise. It is because the lactic acid builds up is highly acidic and you need alkanalizing minerals and sugars to help neutralize those, unless you're drinking whey.

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