

Applying Raw Meat and Honey Topically

[Aajonus]It still does work, even if it has been heated, it still works better than the honey that's been extracted already. There's something that's a little bit more powerful about the comb.


Athletes Foot

[Aajonus] So it's good to have the molds, those needed to relieve the symptoms and stop eating things that cause...


Blend The Cucumbers and Peel Them - Collagen

You blend it, yeah. What you do is take your cucumber, you peel it. I don't care if it's organic, if you've grown it, don't peel it.




[Aajonus]Not quite as much as I want. When I left October 18th, I was 192 pounds, now I'm only 182, so I was 10 pounds more when I left last, but I'm putting it back on. 


Coconut Cream and Vinegar On Skin


The facial body care cream doesn't do that kind of activity. It nurtures and builds the neck, instead of taking dead cells away. The vinegar helps drive dead cells out.


Collagen Deficiency


But the way I compensated that is cucumber has a lot of collagen precursors, so you eat cucumber. Now, like I say, in vegetable juices, predominantly you should have about 30% - 40% cucumber in your juice, but it's cucumber puree. You peel the cucumber and you blend it with the juices that you're making and you blend it all together and then drink it.


Dry Skin

Okay. Since I worked with quite a few of them for a long while. Everyone that I questioned had the hepatitis vaccine, and sometimes it took 15 to 20 years for it to come out on them. But everyone was blaming the partner.


Dry Skin - Honey and Cheese Will Dry You


How would she take that? [Aajonus]Just eat it. [Attendee]


Dry Skin or Skin Problems Is Toxins Without Fat

Shingles would be the same. Any kind of dry skin disorder or any kind of skin disorder at all is a result of having toxins emitting through the skin without enough fats to make the white blood cells or the fat cells to harness that poison as it passes through the skin and it bursts and damages the skin on its way out and it gets crusty and dry.  


Dry Skin, Primal Facial Body Care Cream, Coconut Oil


Is that Wilderness family? [Aajonus] Yeah, so that's the Philippine fermented coconut. They have other coconut oils, but that's the only one below temperature.



[Aajonus]Eczema is when the toxins go out through the skin and you don't have enough fats in the skin to deal with it. So, I say, you’re too thin.  


Egg Fat, Dry Mouth Use Honey, Honey and Butter For Mouth Wrinkles


That's why all tribes who don't eat a lot of fat shrivel at the mouth.


Foot Corn Treatment

[2007][Aajonus]What she did. She went to a pedicurist to have the pedicure done, and she had a corn to have that worked on, scraped away as much as possible. They told her it was a deep root. I told her to take lime juice and use nothing but water and lime and if you want to use something on your cuticles, you take coconut oil for them put on the cuticles, but no soap in the water.She let them put soap in the water. Your lime juice is an antiseptic. They love to use alcohol while they're cutting and trimming. Lime juice is your antiseptic. You just explain all that before you get started. They're not comfortable with it? Go to somebody else.


Frozen Meat Is Cured With Raw Butter


Eating raw butter, good raw butter, unfrozen butter. It will help reverse the bad effects of frozen meats, so only with the animals that I fed the raw frozen meats had the skin disorder and when I fed them raw butter.


Grapefruit For Itchy Skin

What about lemons? [Aajonus]Lemons too abrasive. You know how it marinates chicken and fish? You damage your skin pretty badly if you do that, I burned a hole in myself when I was experimenting with it, actually burned a hole right my flesh when I woke up the next day.  


Honey, Butter and Saliva For Wrinkles


I've been experimenting with honey in getting rid of wrinkles and lines and thickness of skin because of that reaction for the last year. And I have one fellow who had elephant neck, who's only 60 years old and he's been on mainly this diet since 1979 and he looks good everywhere. His hair's just as black as black can be, he's Italian and his hair's just black and not a gray hair on him, but he's got this elephant neck skin.


Liver Spots


[Aajonus]Well, I found that coconut cream removes them. Honey and saliva may, I haven't researched that.


Michael Jackson Vitiligo - Bone Disease


[Aajonus]More cheese and if you have tendency to constipation, you need to eat butter with it. okay. Eat cheese before you eat anything, tablespoon before anything, whether it's, vegetable juice, milk, milkshake, meat meal. If it's a meat meal I suggest that you have it 10 minutes after the meat meal too.


Natural Makeup - Tattoo Eyeliner


If you start eating more fat, you might start having the same problem, but egg white brushed on is excellent for that. It thickens the eyelashes and as long as you don't sit there and go like this with it they're not going to crumble into that white powdery stuff.


New Primal Facial Body Care Cream - Bone Marrow


[Aajonus]I get it from North Star Bison. You can get a delivery from Cynthia, when you get her stuff, she gets it from Rawsome in Los Angeles. So, you can order it through her, or you order direct from North Star Bison and you get it popped out of the bone already, half the price.


Ocean Bathing Dries Skin

Any water, and of course, salt water is gonna be more dry. Because salt dries things out.


Poison Oak For Poison Ivy - Menstraution


Well, most of the time when the body's getting ready to go into menstruation, you're gonna throw off a lot of hormones. And with that, there's a lot of red blood cell loss. So, the whole fat level gets very low, so does the bacterial level because along with those toxic hormones from neurological impulses, psychological trauma, when that's detoxifying, there's always alkaloids along with it.


Primal Facial Body Care Cream - Royal Jelly


What would that do?[Aajonus]Because it just adds stem cells to the skin and that would be better for you. Put bone marrow in your Primal Facial Body Care Cream.


Salt Water Rips Fat Out Of The Skin

[Attendee]So, if you're in salt water, then you shouldn't sun as much.  


Skin Brushing


But the old dry skin does come up with it though, don't you agree?


Skin Healing From C Section

[2005][Aajonus]And you mean from the cesarean? Oh, that's eating a good diet, balanced diet all the way around because you've got to replace the lymphatic networks. You've gotta unblock all of the scarring. You have to regenerate new passages for blood, lymph and neurological systems.And it's not gonna happen very easily unless you're eating raw meat.


Skin Last Thing To Heal - Asian People Shrivel At 50


[Attendee]And why is that again? [Aajonus]Because they stopped digesting food, so the body eats itself.


Skin Problems - Detoxing Through Skin

Yeah, you make it up, it's on page 145 of the recipe book.


Skin Rash


Coconut cream.[Attendee]On top? [Aajonus]No, you drink some coconut cream. 2 ounces of coconut cream or 3 tablespoons of coconut cream, 3 - 4 tablespoons of coconut cream, 1 tablespoon of dairy cream, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of lime juice and 2 ounces of pineapple.


Sperm For Wrinkles


You said the moisturizing formula has Royal jelly in it?


Stem Cells and How To Get Rid Of Wrinkles


85% of her wrinkles were gone in three months.[Attendee]


Vinegar or Pineapple and Papaya For Skin


Just apply?[Aajonus]Yeah, just to the area. Not all around.


Vinegar To Break Down Moles


[Aajonus]Yeah. It doesn't remove as easily. It'll shrink it, but not get rid of it.


Vitiligo Is Heavy Metal Detox

[Aajonus]Well, any kind of heavy metal coming out and detoxing through the skin would cause that.



[Kathy]What about calluses? [Aajonus]No, you don't wanna put whey on a callus. Callus is a large scar tissue. A large area of scar tissue will harden and dry it and make it worse. 


What Races Have The Best Skin


It's they're diet cause they're eating the same garbage the the white mans is. They're eating chips, they're eating fast food, it's not their natural diet. They've never gone out of their ancestry. So, all of a sudden, in the last 40 years going on with that kind of diet's been traumatic on them emotionally.

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