

Aajonus Ate Mad Cow

I ate mad cow meat. From 1993 to 1996, I went to Paris frequently and stayed a month at a time, about three months a year. On the last trip my girlfriend said, "If you're not gonna marry me we're over". So, we were over *laughs*.


Aajonus Ate Mad Cow Disease


*Laughs*[Aajonus]And I started eating that in 1993 - 1996 and they said it's a 10 - 15-year incubation period. Y 


Aajonus Ate Mad Cow In Paris

[Attendees]*Laughs*[Aajonus]I ate it for 3 years and once the girl broke up with me because I wouldn't marry her, I find this article that said Care For supermarkets, that's where I was getting my meat was buying and selling the mad cow meat. So, that's what I had been eating all that time and I wasn't eating the brain or spinal cord.


AIDs and Hiv

[Aajonus] HIV is just, it's a breakdown of the immune system.


Aids, Swine Flu, Vaccines


[Attendee]Can you just say one more time and exactly what is it they put in the vaccine? Likes Aids, it's not some sort of virus. 


Allergies - Low Mucus


If the fibers are tight, nothing's going to get through and it can be as much 20 layers thick when you're dumping mucus or it could be as small as three layers thick. If the fibers are open, if you don't have enough protein fibers. All of those dust and the mites will just get right through that mesh and right in irritate the mucus membrane.




[2008][Aajonus]Poisons in the gas. There's a specialist on germ warfare that worked on it with the government, he turned on the government 7 years ago and said, "If you don't inhale the air for three minutes that the anthrax has been released the anthrax is not the deadly part of it. It's the other properties that keep it airborne and the heavy metals that they use are poisonous. So, you can cover your mouth you won't be harmed with it, but it's not the anthrax that is the problem. It's the thing that's carrying the anthrax". That's a long subject, we've gone for days.


Are Any Viruses Dangerous

Asthma is a man made; I mean is a natural toxicity. Asthma existed for many, many years. Some people let's say they were born during the winter.  


Bird and Swine Flu

[Aajonus]Anything that causes pollution is going to make birds and everybody else sick.


Bird Flu Can't be Transferred To Humans


[Aajonus]People die every year of flu because they're sick people.


Black Plague

And at that time, London, on every block you had a silversmith and on every other block you had a blacksmith.


Black Plague From Coal Burning, Mercury

A lot of people who got, you know lung disease, black lung disease were the people who lived in London around the smoking factories. 


Cells Make Virus

[Aajonus]Because they may be too toxic and if you're eating bad stuff like coffee and alcohol. What that does is it creates a condition in the blood that prevents you from doing anything other than controlling the contaminations in the blood, neurological system, lymph and intestines. Just from the contamination, which you're eating. 


Chicken Pox Is From Cereal and Grains

So, chickenpox is mainly caused by breads and processed grains. It is a fungal type reaction in the body and it throws these poisons out to the skin, and because they're highly acidic with sugars, sugars that dissolve a lot of disaccharides and monosaccharides come out and they burn the skin as it comes out. And that's why they pox, cause the scarring, the damage to the skin.



[Aajonus]That's a farce. It's like, do all the roosters bring up the sun because they crow before the sun rises?


Chlamydia, Antibiotics


[Aajonus]No, put it on the body. It's literally 3/4 of a cup of lime juice and one teaspoon of honey only. Put it where the lice is.


Disease and Contagion

You get sick from poisons in the body.  Her problem is she wants to know about disease, how we get disease, and about contagions.  


Ebola - Mosquitos Don't Spread Disease

A lot of them will call any kind of a retrovirus activity, they'll just give it a name. 


Ebola and Native Americans Were Poisoned - Not Small Pox

They gave them blankets on the reservations that were-



Poor people.[Aajonus]Mostly poor people, unless they were farmland farm people, then they were healthy and fine, but it was your city people who were poor.


Epidemics Are Pollution

Can I just quickly throw one thing on the last one? You kind of said that it's the people who got treatment are the ones that died.


Epstein Barr and Guillain Barre

You can get yellow fever from a polio vaccine. How your body responds, it depends upon its own nature.  



[Fred]Oh really? [Aajonus]Absolutely.[Fred]Yeah., and plus if you're going to medical and getting-


Flu Is Cleansing

So any other questions? [Attendee]Sort of sort of that, I guess.


Flu, Colds


Absolutely. Well, you eat the right foods, the ones I suggest in The Recipe Book without.


Flus - Salmonella


[Attendee]So, if I eat the chicken with salmonella on it?


Gay People Drugs, HIV, and Cirrhosis

Because they use so many chemical drugs that damage the liver, that's why the war department used aids on them. Aids was created in the laboratories of UCLA in 61 and 62. They were creating it to create cancer in animals, so they could study cancer. That information was given to the war department. 


Guillain Barre

[Aajonus]No, I just don't know where you way you can get rid of it without raw meat.


Hepatitis, Virus, and Bacteria

Don't want it to. First of all, if you get any of the hepatitis, all the way from A to H, they are all cleansers. They are virus. 


Homosexuals, Aids, and Cirrhosis

Injection. That's it. [Attendee]So, I'm not saying wrong, but are there statistics that would suggest that?


How AIDS Was Made

So, they spliced it together and that's how he found out who made it because he took the two names of those animal diseases and put them together in 15 different combinations. He happened to be in Los Angeles at the time, so he went to UCLA, the first name that he picked in combination that it might be called popped right up on the computer at UCLA. Then his brother who's an attorney tracked it and that's what the book "Bio attack Alert" is about. Documented. A Wisconsin or Minnesota Senator that helped him get that information from the war department, both of them were dead within three months, suicide and neither of them was suicidal and the likely Kennedy's stuff, but it's happening out there. There are greedy people and there are people that think that we're all ants and we're not worthy. They're running the country and they're important because they're running the country and they think that their judgment is the correct judgement. They are God 


How HIV Was Made and AIDS

And every time they came in two, usually when you fractionate a cell it will break apart into five pieces, five parts. Like we dismember at our joints, at are limbs. This would always break in two, and he realized, wait, that this has to be a manmade splice cell. So, he put the two sides together that matched, and found out he had those two diseases, took the names of those two diseases. 


Mad Cow Disease Caused By Government Testing

So, when it collects in these animals.And the worst diets that they have if they're eating byproducts of food processing, which is not food at all. 




Like their cooked meats you mean? [Aajonus]Yeah, like their cooked meats, they also use a lot of spices, a lot of hot spices, and when you're low in protein and you're doing that you cause internal burning all over the place. And when you're detoxing that much at one time, it's a huge detoxification. It's worse than pneumonia. Because pneumonia you're not usually passing out and delirious. Most people aren't.


Measles Is From Processed Meat

[2008][Aajonus]Measles are a little bit more. Measles started coming in heavily, especially after processing toxic old meats. Like from sausage, hot dogs, stuff like that. That's mainly from that. They used to use a citric acid, other times in history they use formaldehyde, and when you put that kind of substance, those kind of chemicals in luncheon meats, it'll cause a measles type detoxification eventually in your population. Your kids are trying to detoxify before the they enter puberty, because if they go into puberty with those toxins in there they won't reproduce. We've got that problem now, the rate of impotency is tremendous.


Mold and Viruses Form In Sterile Environment

[Aajonus]I just pulled out what was in the ground. What was it?  


Morgellons disease

Morgellons disease is a so called a new disease where they find that fibers are passing through the skin with a parasite, a microscopic parasite. Guess what those fibers are?


Oils, Viruses, and Bacteria - Breaking Down Toxicity

Got a parasite for the first time, I celebrated. All of a sudden, all of that pyloroplasty that they did on me when I was 20 years old, they took the duodenum, stretched it to 3x its size. What happens when you take tissue, and you stretch it and rip it like that 40% scar tissue within the first year, 80% scar tissue within five years from that. 


Polio Still Exists

[Attendee]*laughs*[Aajonus]Basically, it is degeneration of the nervous system.


Prion Disease Fiction

[2003]It's a fiction. The prion illness is a fact, but it's not because of anything natural it's because of all the chemicals and antibiotics that they've been giving these cows for so long.They found the folded prions, yes. You'll also see, if you link the a U.S. militaries linked to dropping bombs on these herds to test biological warfare, you'll find that those herds always were subjected to some kind of chemical contamination.


Small Pox Is a Hoax

[Attendee]Poisoning with like chemicals or disease? 



How did they catch chickenpox kindergarten? Everybody seems to catch it in the classroom. 


Smallpox Vaccine Linked To HIV

What happened? They said, well, if we're going to help you with this aids disease, we need to control your resources. This is going to be a lot of money. So, the world bank's going to run your country. So, what'd they do, they got rid of a welfare class of people, so they didn't have to spend money on them and acquired access to their resources, the diamond mines and gold mines.




Okay. So, I can just have sex with anyone and I don't have to worry, right?


Vaginal Herpes - C-Section

And that's such an absurdity. Think about this people. Virus are not alive. If you pick up any biochemistry book, virus are protein bodies with RNA attached and sometimes the DNA. 




[Kathy]Dissolving the rest of cells too?[Aajonus]You'll start dissolving healthy cells as well around the tumors.


Virus Don't Come From Mosquitos

So, if you think that there's some kind of malaria, it isn't. That's how they get you afraid, so that you can imagine an enemy and that enemy is the mosquito, but there's no evidence that you can get any kind of disease from mosquitoes. It is the diet, no matter what it is. And if you go down and they tell you to cook everything, when you go down there, they'll tell you to boil water, steam, or cook all of your vegetables. 



[Aajonus]And all your high executives in the FDA all go from the executive offices of FDA to a high paying job in a Pharmaceutical industry. 


Viruses Are Coincidental

It may be simply coincidental that the parent notices it when they had one at the same time. Oh, I kissed the baby, I gave it to the baby. You didn't get it from kissing the baby. You gave it because you caused the baby to have toxins in the nerve endings, wasn't the kiss that did it. It wasn't the contagion that did it. 


Viruses Are Solvents

We have virus, bacteria, and parasites to help us, detoxification is mitigated. When our body uses solvents, it's distributed a lot more toxic. That's why doctors are more afraid of viral meningitis than a bacterial meningitis, because the fluids become immense when we're scraping down all that toxic matter from the nervous system and mostly it's heavy metals, free radicals that go in and do tremendous damage to other areas of the body, which you don't normally destroy when parasites and bacteria are active.  


Viruses Aren't Alive

Everybody's body makes solvents of all compounds, but when your body uses a solvent process, it takes a lot of dilution. So, instead of reducing the toxic material involved, it expands it like we're washing something, we keep diluting it with water and washing it away, and then you had this bucket of garbage. 


Viruses Can Be Injected Into You

If you take blood from me and I have it and put it in you, you're gonna have it, but they will not replicate. 


What Causes Mad Cow Disease

Yeah, they're still forcing them to. [Aajonus]If you hear the inductees and the volunteers who went to the military, they still threaten.


What Is Aids and HIV

[Aajonus] Well, HIV is just, it's a breakdown of the immune system.


What is HIV and AIDS

[Aajonus]No. They want to blame it on some creature, like a monkey.  


When Herpes Came About

Not a matter of one gave it to the other, one started detoxing before the other. That's how it happened.


You Can Get Aids From Blood Transfusions

So, Rock Hudson was on drugs? He got HIV/AIDS. [Aajonus]

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