

Toxins Go Into Bone Marrow, Hands and Feet

The body throws it off and where's it throw it off? 


40 Years To Clean Out The Body

So, it takes you 21 years to disassemble it and 20 years to rebuild it. 


40 Years To Clean Out The Body - Detox Pain

So, five times that's about 37.5 years. So, it takes about 40 years for us to clean out completely if we're 100%.


Aajonus Detox

I had 11 shots in this arm in three days. They were injecting me with penicillin and other antibiotics and tetanus. They always give you tetanus if you have appendicitis. They knew I didn't have appendicitis, but they gave me tetanus anyway and repeated tetanus. You're only supposed to get one, every six months max. 


Aluminum Pulling With Rasberries


[Aajonus]That's [Attendee]Some days I eat 12, sometimes I have 18. I have never felt relief for my lungs eating that huge amount of


Benefits of Algae

[Aajonus]On the outside it helps give nutrients and pull metals out of the body. Algae eats rock, it feeds on rock. It eats metals. That's why people take algae as a supplement, but dry, not gonna do you much good.


Brain Detox (2)

Okay. I thought perhaps I was having eye strain, so I bought a higher eyeglass for reading, but I don't know if that's true because I was getting headaches while I was reading.  


Brain Detoxes Cooked Food Out Teeth

So, that's why most of the metals store in the brain, and nervous system. When the brain detoxifies it mainly detoxifies out the gums, and the tongue. Any ayurvedic doctor, anybody that tells you your tongue should be clear is not considering that the brain detoxes through the tongue. As long as you've been eating cooked foods, your tongue should always be coated.


Can Diet Break Down Stones

No, it won't. I've tried with many people trying to dissolve their stones and because heavy metals do not break up easily, you'd have to drink probably a quart of grapefruit or lemon juice a day, and then you'd demineralize your body along with the stone.


Cheese and Honey - Cheese Alone

About anywhere from a tablespoon and a half to two tablespoons, with a third honey. In other words, one tablespoon of cheese to one teaspoon of honey. 


Cheese Is A Magnet For Toxins

[2007][Aajonus]Now the cheese is medicinal. You lose the ability to digest it, but it acts as a magnet. Even starts in the mouth as your bloodstream, your neurological system, and your lymph system moves throughout the entire intestinal walls and digestive tract walls, the cheese acts as a magnet, and will draw poisons out of those three fluid systems.


Cheese To Detox

[Aajonus]Yeah. But that's a different kind of thing. That's getting the poisons out of the brain and into the cheese rather than your system. 


Chelation (2)

Problem is that it doesn't exit the body. I've only found 24% of it left the body within a 48-hour period. After that, no sign of it leaving the body again out the urinary and fecal matter. 


Chelation (3)


[Attendee]Does it take the plaque out the circulatory system?


Chelation Therapy

I remember the first person I watched go through chelation therapy in 1971 through 73. He did it because he had congestive arteries. 


Chemical Sensitivity

[Attendee]It's just so boring.My diet, not your diet.


Chlorine - How To Detox

Nothing you can do for the vapors. Well, you can eat something to help get rid of it, but that what's planted in the brain is not gonna be easy to get rid of.


Cilantro - Only 10 Percent For Metal Detox

[Atendee #2]Can you eat butter just after it?  [Aajonus]


Cold Feet and Hands

It takes good, well utilized fats, and as you see, there's not much fatty tissue in the hands and feet, can't build up enough. That takes many years because the bones or where most of the fat is in those limbs. If the bone marrow isn't absolutely perfectly healthy, you will always get cold in the limbs, and it takes 20 years to rebuild the bone marrow three times.


Cold Pressed Oils Aren't That Good


[2009][Aajonus]And anyway, pressed oils aren't that good. They should only be used medicinally.Cold pressed doesn't mean anything.


Dark Vs Light Berries - Juicing Coconuts


[Aajonus]I know, just takes time. Gotta be patient.


Deficiencies On Raw Diet

[Aajonus]Anytime you're detoxing, you're going to have certain kinds of deficiencies. As long as you're constantly eating the balanced diet, you're always gonna supply the right balance.



[Aajonus]Yes, as long as they were given good food and they didn't dehydrate. There's still a certain percentage of the children who would dehydrate and die. 


Detox (2)


Yes, absolutely. Just give me a call between 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM.


Detox and Don't Always Feel Well On Diet

It's like asking if a frog had wings he wouldn't bump his ass when he jumped. It just is. And you can't compare yourself with people who have that quality because it makes no sense.


Detox and Eggs

Well, but the egg could be helping it process out.[Aajonus]


Detox and Pain Formula

After one of those in about a 6-hour period, I had no pain except when I was standing up or trying to move in a way that pulled at those muscles that were already torn from my back. 


Detox Formula, Food On Places, Nitrates In Honey Set off Alarms


[Aajonus]Good for four months, yeah. At Glen Ivy, they may take it once a year, but for flying, sometimes they'll say, "Oh, you gotta have one fresh four months".


Detox Pathways, Baths Help With Pain

You've heard that one a dozen times. The lymph system throws off more toxins than any other part of the body. 


Detoxing At Night Through The Skin


It is supposed to be that nontoxic. You could eat your own waste and recover more of the nutrients. In India because there are heavy vegetarians there, they drink their own urine to recycle their proteins. Your astronauts, what do you think they drink? They drink their urine, goes through a filter and they drink their urine.


Detoxing From Smoking


[Attendee]The pollution that we're breathing, does that cause the plaque too?


Detoxing Old Sugar - Fermented Sugar Cane

That was two weeks fermented, so it smelled like alcohol.  


Diabetes Detox


So, I guess what I have to assume from that then is since most diabetics who take insulin have that kind of detox at that time in their life. That is the time when the body does it, I'm 62 now, so whether this inspired it or stimulated it, I don't know, could be entirely entirely coincidental or could be just that chapter in my life where the body said, "Okay, it's time to get rid the old insulin".


Diarrhea and Vomit

That's how bad it is. So, eat shit and live. I really did think of writing a comedy routine and calling it, "Eat Shit and Live" because that's the only way you're gonna open minds to that concept before they come in the room. I thought about doing it with my next book on detoxification, but my publisher won't do it.


Don't Force Detox - Oysters For Metals


Well, you don't want to force detoxification of heavy metals with tremendous amounts of cilantro or anything like that, until you've been on the diet a year and a half minimum.


Essential Oils, Toxins Go Into Hair and Nails


Most people put it on their neck and also it'll start breaking down all the lymphatic congestion in the lymph, but it doesn't do it safely.


Fasting Story

[Aajonus]But that's now, but let's say the amount of, of cleaning out that it did to help you arrest certain things did not help regenerate tissues. So, the decalcification, the demineralization of your spine may have helped alleviate some of that pressure in the spurs on your spine, and that's a good thing. 


Fermented Milk Detox


And I ate a tremendous amount of cereal with my milk as a child. I left home at 16, got married at 16, so I would eat two boxes of cereal a day with a half a gallon of milk. So, I wanted the combination because I knew that's what a lot of my body was built of at the time, and I'm experimenting for my detox book.


Fermented Sugar Cane Juice

But I had scabs coming off of it that lasted for six weeks, but one thing that it did was it helped trim a lot of sugar products that had been still stored in my body. Funny, after I did that, I did not have to have the high weight that I normally had because I usually stayed his size and it helped bring me down. 


Fermented Vegetables

[Aajonus]If you've eaten cooked vegetables in your lifetime? Absolutely.  


Fibroids - Breaking Down Scar Tissue

[Aajonus]Like I said in the book, anything to remove scar tissue: coconut oil, coconut cream, olive oil, flax oil. Things like that.


Flu Vs Bacterial Detox

[Attendee]Achiness and throwing up is the flu?  Aajonus]


Food Cravings, Eggs Dries Mouth From Pulling Toxins


That's fine. [Attendee]How many eggs at a time because sometimes I get nausea.


Forced Detox and Fermented Foods

S,o I wanted to see what would happen. Well, I was in diarrhea every 20 minutes for 36 hours. Diarrhea lasted about three weeks. I lost 20 pounds in six days. I am still having it, and what it did was- whenever your body has a tremendous amount of sugar in the system, and it's an overabundance and your body can afford to make a tapeworm, tapeworms, eat excessive sugars in the intestines. 


Grey Graying From Toxins


[Aajonus]Well, it doesn't mean they're not healthy, it means they're just throwing off heavy metals into the air, and if that heavy metal does damage to the cells and the follicle, then they may not be able to recover that damages.


Hair Falling Out During Detox

[Attendee]Men going bald. What causes that? [Aajonus]


Hand Pain - Antibiotics

I've been known to detox one way or another. I'm not shocked by this particularly, but I would like it to not hurt.



The six that I've examined the blood from those hemorrhoids, high mercury, high lead, high cadmium.


Honey Can Cause Detox

What kind of ratio would you suggest, would you say a few cherry tomatoes with three tablespoons of butter. 


How Long To Regenerate Body Parts

You have to do that five times. Every cell in your body has to be replaced at least five times to get to the point where you're completely whole, whole, and natural and healthy.


How Much Olive Oil

I've been putting in 2-3 tablespoons a day, one tablespoon at or time with my chicken or my beef. I take one tablespoon.  


How To Regain Health After Detox


I would say I lost about 20.[Aajonus]He took off about 20 pounds, so he wants to know how he can get the energy back quicker. If you want quick energy, things that don't take a lot of time in digestion, eggs is the only thing. Eggs, they digest in about 27 minutes, 13 to 27 minutes. So, that protein, all that fat is readily available.


How To Stop Detox

[Aajonus]Well, you have to understand, you were a vegetarian for 20 years.  


Ice Cream Detox

If I have ice cream made in my hand cranker, I may get a little bit sometime during the or evening or night, but I don't notice it as much.


Inhaling Fiberglass

[Attendee]How do you handle that? [Aajonus]Not easily, because you have to understand, it's put together with a resin. 


Iodine, Barium - How To Get Rid Of

No way. You've gotta get it out of the body. [Attendee]


Japan Eats Raw Meats


So, the point is you can protect yourself more with the raw food. Cooking will damage you in more ways than one now that we have all this radioactive contamination.


Lemon Vs Lime Juice

What if you marinate in lime? [Aajonus]You're destroying all the bacteria in the foods. Well, it's not good if you're eating that all the time.  


Mold Detox Drink

It's gonna taste like a lime coconut float. Do not gulp it, even though it's delicious. You've got to sip it cuz if you piss it out, it's not going to get in there and destroy the molds. Now you only do that. If you have a mold situation and you're very toxic, you can do it for three to four days in a row.


Moldy Cheese

[2007][Aajonus]Moldy cheese. I scrape the outer white layer off cause that has all the spores in it and you can get too much mycelium generating in your system and you can get very lethargic.


Moldy Foods

And that produces the particular kind of mold, each cave produces a different kind of mold.


Mucus Discharges Poisons

Depends on what's causing it. I mean if it's heavy metals coming out through your mucous membranes, you're not going to stop it. All you can do is just produce enough mucus to keep it from being problem. And that means eating lots of eggs with dairy to create enough mucus to protect your mucous membrane. But I can see by the whites of your eyes, that you have a lot of toxicity in your bone marrow, that means you have a lot of heavy metals in your bone marrow, and that's going to create a problem in any of these bones right here, you're going to detox out of your sinuses. So, you're going to have an allergy problem all your life, until all that's relieved. So, the only thing you can do is make sure that you produce enough mucus to protect those mucus membrane and to discharge the poisons.



Someone has asked questions about heaviness in the pancreas and also heaviness in the liver. I've been having heaviness in my liver a lot, especially during the work week when I bring all my stuff and I'm really good on the diet. On the weekends sometimes I am busy, so I'll just drink milk or I'll just eat some eggs or something like that to get me by or something. 


Nausea After Milkshake - Insect Bite

⁠From a health food store, bottle of hydrochloric acid pills. 


Nervous System Detoxes At Night

The nervous system detoxifies when there's no light and it's night time. If you're in a climate, let's say Finland where it's light all day long. You will still detoxify normally when the sun is the lowest and the nervous system detoxifies. In the nervous system in the brain, that has the most free radicals, heavy metals.


Oil Is Detoxifying, Olive Oil


Yeah, you can have it with anything. It doesn't have to be with your meat meal. I prefer oil not being with a meat meal cause I don't want to turn my meat meal into a detoxifier that's what my fruit meal is for.


Olive Oil Swishing

[Aajonus]It works. I mean, any kind of fat, it isn't just olive oil.


Oysters Remove Toxic Substances - Farmed Okay

[Attendee]How do you know if they are farm raised or naturally grown in the ocean? 


Poisons Dumping - Eat Cheese

Vaccine poisoning, a lot of military people go through that.



Because when you eat something cooked, you've broken down all of the bacteria that naturally clean it out of your system when the body's finished with it. Then the waste can be removed naturally, that's what happens.


Scientologists Detox

It helps, but like I say, anytime you're using vitamin, niacin, it is a chemical, you're going to have imbalances and you're going to have damage.


Should You Force Detox

Because they're not dealing with all the toxicity that they're eating constantly.



Well, there are many solvents, many processes that can do it. If you take coconut cream, which is best solvent that I've seen for metals. What causes them to be cohesive, it'll go in there and just all of a sudden melt it, and then the molecules are separating sparse. So, then your fat molecules, your fat cells, where your white blood cells can go in and bind with them and send them out of the body. You know what a zit is? A zit is a bunch of white cells, fatty cells, that chelates with toxins, and they're passing them out through the pore. You may have 5 billion white cells pussing out of a spot that is only five or six molecules of something that is very dangerous, even to take cocaine and snort cocaine. If they go on a good diet, you can better believe that if they have any lymph problems at all they're going to be putting out postulation all over everywhere because it takes 30 to 40 molecules of fat to bind new one molecule of cocaine to get it out of the body. You may try to throw it out the kidneys or blood stream with congested lymph. 



And I said, "Nobody's poisoning her. She was a metal jeweler She made silver jewelry, and burned it right over the Bunsen burner, never wore a mask or gloves, so she inhaled all that thallium. Thallium is a mineral that's almost as toxic as mercury and almost as soft as lead, and it's highly toxic. Not quite as bad as mercury, but nearly.


Throat, Lungs , and Sinus Detox

[Aajonus]Anywhere from the throat all the way up to the top of the head.


Tired On Detox

Well, you're on the weight loss. That usually happens when the weight runs?


Tiredness From Healing, Detox, Vaccines

Most of your tiredness, sleepiness comes from the healing stage. 90% of healing happens in the sleep state, unless you're a Yogi and can get into that sub alpha wave where you heal while you're awake. I can do that. So, I don’t have to sleep as much to heal.  


Tomatoes To Detox Prostate

[Aajonus]This is a biochemist. [Attendee]No, I'm a medical engineer.


Toxic Farts

[Attendees]*Laughs* [Aajonus]Any gas that's produced from toxicity will be toxic even if it's your own. 


Toxins Leave Through The Skin


[Aajonus]Yeah. Your wonder drug, but they're really not healing you or making you better. They just poisoned you to the point where your body has to deal with that poison and stop all the other old detox of poisons.


Where Toxins Come Out

And because we are so toxic, everything, every part of us is an asshole.


White Tongue, Dry Mouth

So, it takes metallic minerals to do that. So, when the metallic minerals are toxic from eating cooked foods or chemicals or any medications or preservatives, inorganic fertilizers, pollution in the air that. Most of it goes to the brain and the system, and when it dumps, it comes out the mouth.


Why Women Live Longer Than Men

Couldn't men dispel through their semen.  [Aajonus]


Will Body Detox On It's Own


If you have a particular problem and you're suffering from it, it may not be the worst problem you have in your body. So, your body may ignore that and go to something that it is more important. If you wanna get rid of the symptom though, you're going to have to address that area with a specific food that I have mentioned in the remedy section of We Want To Live

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